Thursday, May 17, 2012

How My Mind Works

I decided to spend a couple days delving into how my mind works and where these creations come from.  I guess, trying to document the creation process.
It really starts with something that inspires me.  It might be a new product, a new tool, or it could be as simple as a group of colors I find in nature.  Once the inspirations hits, it's time to move to my table.  Yes, I have a table in my craft room, but I like to work on the dining room table.  (Maybe it makes feel a bit better about the few meals I do actually cook.) 

This project was inspired by Graphic 45 Olde Curiosity Shoppe patterned papers. I was struck by the image of a wind up lady doll. It got me thinking about all the different aspects of my life. All the roles I hold and the titles in my life. I thought, wouldn't it be interesting to dive into each of those aspects a bit deeper.

 Away we go, the Curiosity Shoppe Book was born. I gathered the papers and stamps from the collection, added in some card stock, some ribbons, and other embellishments I think might work. Then I start to play. I cut things out and lay them out, pick them up, add in more stuff, and repeat until I have something I like. It is really a gut reaction kind of thing.

Surrounding myself with the product seems to get me into the mood of creating and then I go where ever it takes me...I am working on pages one and two after finishing the cover a week ago.


Wait until you see the newer version..this layout has changed dramatically.  See it tomorrow, when it is finished...


  1. I'm always amazed that I start off with one idea and end up in a completely different direction . . . looking forward to seeing the finished project.

  2. I can't wait to see the end result. We have a similar style of working - get all our junk out and see what happens! LOL

  3. Just wait...there are so many little highlights to pages one and two...You have to wait until tomorrow.
